Money Musings

Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Episode 182:Planning For Your Dreams

I was thrilled to be a guest on Cambridge Investment Research podcast with CEO Amy Webber. It was fun chatting with her about my journey from law to finance and everything in between!

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Breaking Down SVB

By now you’re aware that a number of banks have been taken over by the federal government following a run on those banks when depositors began to fret that their deposits were no longer safe.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Financial Digests That Make You Look Like You Know What You’re Talking About

I’m not a morning person. Especially in the winter, it’s unlikely that I wake before the alarm and jump out of bed ready for a 10-mile run. Don’t judge, but maybe I hit the snooze button four times.

So while I’m slowly waking up and before my feet finally hit the dance floor, I force myself to catch up on the latest business news. I subscribe to various digital financial news digests, and from the cozy comfort of my bed, I spend the first 15 minutes of my day with one eye open, scrolling through the most current economic and market news in bite-sized form.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Money + Well-Being

Money and well-being are connected; your feelings around money and finances can affect your health and happiness in different ways. I was a guest on the Pragmatic Alchemy podcast with Courtney Edwards, a behavioral life coach, where we discussed this mind-health-money dynamic and how to manage it all.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

The Most Romantic Cheeseburger

As a child of immigrants, I tried so hard to fit into the “American way,” and in the 80’s, nothing was more American than a maybe not healthy but at least wholesome (?) family dinner at McDonald’s!

Unfortunately, my parents didn’t see McDonalds as wholesome, and didn’t want to spend their hard-earned money feeding their family frozen sodium beef patties. Whenever we kids would beg our parents to take us to McDonald’s, there was a 46% chance we would go 55% of the time.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Hairy Therapy

I am your typical New Yorker. I know how to hail a taxi without getting side-swiped. On escalators, I stand on the right and walk on the left. I let people get off the train before getting on. I give tourists succinct, exact directions – even offer restaurant recommendations – but don’t linger for small-talk.

However, as a New Yorker, I am an enigma. That’s because I do not have a therapist.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

4 ways to give and get (tax benefits)

My nephew just turned one in November. My brother and his wife planned an elaborate “Polar Express”-themed birthday partyso that Eli could spend his birthday in his favorite PJ’s surrounded by 40 of his friends and family (and Santa Claus), eating pizza and smooshing a huge piece of Polar Express cake into his face and hair. The rest of the guests spent the day cleaning up messy faces and diapers, putting people in time out, talking to each other accusingly with clenched teeth, and dealing with melt-downs. Oh and drinking. Definitely drinking.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Cheat on your diet, not your retirement plan

It seems that everyone is on some type of diet these days. Whether it’s no carb/high protein; high protein/high fat/low sugar; no sugar/no carb/no fat/no dairy/all bacon—it seems like everyone has an eating plan.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Ariana Grande’s exes and Medicare and you

You might have heard the news that famous “It” couple Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, an actor on “Saturday Night Live,” who had been engaged since June have recently split up.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

What’s in a number?

At what age does middle age begin? In the 1920s, “old age” began around age 55 and “very old age” around 65.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Be a retirement control freak

Google “what can I control?” and you will be directed to a host of touchy-feely websites that list all the ways you can control your health, what you eat, your breath, how you treat people, something called “self-talk,” the books you read, the number of times a day that you smile, and the general direction of your life.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

What you know you know, think you know, and might not know but should…about Social Security

One of the most confusing topics in retirement planning is understanding the basics of Social Security. I will admit that Social Security can be extremely technical, confusing and downright boring, and with the future of Social Security uncertain, many people are hesitant to put in the time and brain cells required to understanding how the program works.

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Lena Rizkallah Lena Rizkallah

Mick Jagger is having a great retirement; 3 ways that you can too

So guess what? The Rolling Stones—the infamous UK band from the 1960’s—is going on tour in 2019. I was pretty shocked to hear this but it is certainly a testament to the power of their music and on- and off-stage personalities that they continue to draw multi-generational crowds decades after the peak of their popularity.

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